Along the main roads leading out of Cairo, plans and construction for the Dreamlands are still underway. But the country‘s social tensions are leaving a permanent mark on the central city‘s urban fabric. The fact that what happened on the streets of Cairo in January 2011 (Mubarak‘s fall) and in June 2013 (Mursi‘s fall) was possible will serve as a warning for anyone who comes to power in Egypt from now on, regardless of their political orientation. Regardless of the degree to which the built environment allocates each group of a population their place in the urban context, publicly accessible spaces between the buildings will always be subject to negotiations – unless controls, barricades and other divisions are employed. The Iranian-Egyptian sociologist Asef Bayat writes: „The revolutionaries used the roundabouts and boulevards for their central location, their symbolic weight and the freedom of movement they allowed, but most of all for their openness and size. When these normal spaces became extraordinary places full of political significance, they became a great problem for the authorities. They set up barriers and barricaded streets, they blocked off bridges and even changed them, to strip them of their political significance.“