Europe‘s outer boundaries have become more sensitive since the dissolution of intra-EU borders. As a medium, the sea is as difficult to control as it is to traverse. As a frontier it is fluid, flexible and geographically challenging to localise. The situation is different at the EU outposts in Lampedusa and the Spanish exclaves in Africa, Ceuta and Melilla. Since 2005, Europe has erected immoveable boundaries in the landscape here. Consisting of multiple rows of fences six metres tall, tear gas sprinklers, surveillance cameras and motion, audio and heat sensors, the architecture of these barriers stand in direct opposition to the individual‘s determination. Hobby golfers on the golf course adjacent to the border fence in Melilla have a chance to witness the weekly feats of strength of African survivalists and Europe‘s physical hightech defence when groups of would-be migrants emerge from their camps in the forests around Melilla and try, in concentrated actions, to get over the fence. With financial support from the EU, Moroccan frontier soldiers acting as interceptors were responsible for the death of many refugee seekers in recent years. Perhaps that‘s why every attempt to near frontier areas with a camera on the Moroccan side of the border is immediately prohibited. Here again, visibility is undesirable.