Regardless of whether they are in Almeria, Melilla, Saharonim or in Choucha, the Tunisian refugee camp on the Libyan border, the confined living quarters for migrants contrast peculiarly with the wideopen landscapes surrounding the facilities. The concept of a temporary stay is not always feasible. Lebanon, for example, is the only one of Syria‘s neighbouring countries that declined to establish camps for refugees from the civil war. The reason is their experience with Palestine camps; over the course of the past 60 years, they have gradually transformed to permanent settlements. Similar misgivings may have been what prompted the UN refugee agency UNHCR to dismantle a refugee camp for Libyan refugees in the Tunisian desert in the summer of 2013. Hundreds of refugees had no choice but to remain after the camp‘s official closure, although they now found themselves with no infrastructural support. In protest of the closure, some 30 former camp residents set up a makeshift camp on the street outside of the UNHCR office in Tunis. The office is located between embassies and business headquarters in the embassy district Berges du Iac. With their street camp, the refugees have managed to become visible, an option unavailable to them behind camp gates in a desert.